5 Simple Habits That Changed My Life
I appreciate you all for taking the time to visit my page! If you are here, chances are you are interested in initiating some type of change into your life. I wanted to tell you all a bit of my story to bring light to what brought me to writing this book.
One year ago, I was completely unconscious to who I was, depressed, and without a purpose. It was at this time I had hit rock bottom.
I came to realize the direct impact my daily habits had on my life, both positive and negative. So I analyzed all of the habits in my life. If they were not bringing me any type of benefit, I decided to cut them out entirely, and replace them with new habits.
In this book I talk about how these habits came to shape a new reality for myself, and ultimately change my life.
I understand that there is no set road map to healing and growth, and that everyone is different. What I do know, is the path I have outlined in this book is exactly what brought me from where I was to where I am today.
It it not always easy. It is an everyday battle with myself, one that takes courage to look myself in the mirror, accept what needs to change, and hold myself to a higher standard.
I don’t have it all figured out, I am still healing, but a space in my heart that was once empty is now filled with happiness, peace, gratitude, love for myself and love for others.
Sending you all love, and hoping this is your best year yet.